About Rooibos & Honey

About a week ago, my daughter seemed to be coming down with a slight cold and complained about a sore throat. I remember that day being quite hot and on such days, who wants to be told to drink a warm beverage or ingest anything warm for that matter?

Luckily my so called porridge brain only steps in every now and then, so at that moment when my daughter told me about her sore throat, I immediately reacted to it and thought of making her some Rooibos & Honey ice lollies (popsicles) to soothe and relieve that annoying symptom. I promise to do another post on how I made it, so keep a look out for that post. In the meanwhile I thought I would share the benefits of the main ingredients of those icey cold relievers.



 1. Naturally Caffeine-free: meaning no chemical process to remove the caffeine, anyone can drink it and it can be consumed in unrestricted amounts!

2. High in antioxidants: These antioxidants protects the body by fighting free radicals (unstable cells that attack healthy cells in order to stabilize themselves).

3. Prevents some cancers: There are some studies that have showed the connection between rooibos and the reduction of cancer-causing chemicals.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure and Cholesterol and improves blood circulation.

5. Relieves stomach complaints: The high level of flavanoids which are known to reduce spasm, inflammation, allergens and numerous abdominal ailments.

6. Relieves skin conditions: Acne, psoriasis and eczema can now become a thing of the past!



1. Soothes sore throats and relieves mild coughing.

2. Has antibacterial properties: These properties kills all those nasty germs that cause infections.

3. Excellent immune-booster: helps to ward off those colds.

4. Fantastic natural antiseptic: It inhibits growth of bacteria, keeping wounds clean and free from infection.

5. Hay fever problems? Local honey can reduce hay fever symptoms. The local honey contains minute amounts of pollen found in your area that will not cause or trigger an allergic reaction but they will help to build up your tolerance to the pollen however.

6. With a mild laxative effect, this smooth yet sticky substance can help combat constipation and bloating.

7. Lastly they are rich in probiotics (remember my post on plain yoghurt?), these friendly bacteria will out number the bad ones for sure doing your digestive system a huge favour!

Yep, so that about explains my main reasons why rooibos and honey makes great main ingredients in food products 😉

Yours in good food,

Shafeeqa Xx

Why Plain Yoghurt Is Good For You

Earlier today for lunch I decided to make myself an open-sarmie that consisted of Low GI Seeded Bread topped with some plain yoghurt and mayo, a bed of mixed salad leaves, feta some leftover chicken from the-night-before and a drizzle of freshly squeezed lemon as a dressing. Now as you can imagine,  I thoroughly enjoyed my meal just as much as all the others in this pregnancy but after hearing my mom-in-law ask if I’m seriously going to eat yoghurt on bread – I realised that, I have been downing plain yoghurt with almost everything during this pregnancy of mine. And with that in mind, I too realised that at 20 odd weeks pregnant, I discovered my preggie craving…

                      PLAIN YOGHURT


So I decided to put together my top reasons why plain yoghurt is good for you.

1. Good Bacteria:
Most yoghurt contains live and active cultures = probiotics. These beneficial bugs assist in regulating the digestive system and helps to strengthen ones immune system. 

2. Loaded with Vitamins and Minerals:
Besides being a rich source of calcium,  which we all know is good for strong bones and teeth, yoghurt contains potassium,  phosphorus,  riboflavin,  iodine,  zinc and vitamin B5. Some are even a source of vitamin B12 which is mainly found in meat, this vitamin maintains red blood cells and helps keep your nervous system to function properly. A huge benefit for the vegetarians.

3. Reduces High Blood Pressure:
The potassium in the yoghurt may help by flushing some of the excess sodium out of your body.

4. Cold Buster:
Yoghurt makes stronger and more active T-cells which battles illnesses and infections, helping to keep the sniffles at bay.

5. Helps Them Pearly Whites
Despite the sugar content,  yoghurt does not erode the tooth enamel which is the main cause of tooth decay. The lactic acid appears to give your gums protection as well. The calcium in the yoghurt contributes to healthy and strong teeth.

Until next time,